"To be rather than to seem"
We make it easy to start your corporation in North Carolina. DBI Global Filings, LLC will handle all aspects of forming your North Carolina corporation filing. Here is what we do for you:
- Check your company name for availability with the North Carolina Secretary of State's office
- Prepare and review the certificate of incorporation
- File articles of incorporation
- Provide a North Carolina registered agent office and legal address for service of process
- Submit initial NC corporation formation filing fee
- Notify you of any annual compliance requirements
Here is some basic information for your review.
How do I setup a corporation in NC?
- You'll need to select a corporation name. The name must contain a corporation identifier such as Corporation, Corp., Incorporated, Inc., Company, Co., Limited, or Ltd.
- Your corporation name cannot include words that would cause someone to think that your company is a government agency (i.e. Treasury, FBI, State Department).
- A statement indicating that the corporation has a principal office OR does not have a principal office.
- Any other provisions which the corporation elects to include.
- Listing of Company Officials including name, title and business address. This is optional.
- A statement indicating that the articles will be effective upon filing, unless a future date is specified.
How much does it cost to start a corporation in North Carolina?
The NC secretary of state charges a one-time registration fee of $125. Expedited processing is available for $200 for same day processing $100 for 24-hour processing. They also assess a $25 annual report filing fee.
How long does it take to get a corporation in NC?
It typically takes 9-12 days to receive a stamped copy of your Articles of Incorporation. North Carolina offers expedited processing for an additional fee.
When are North Carolina corporation taxes due?
The North Carolina annual report is due to the Secretary of State’s Office the 15th day of the fourth month following the company's fiscal year end.
Do I need a registered agent service in North Carolina?
Yes. North Carolina requires a registered agent service with a physical address to be available during normal business hours to accept service of process. Our service includes a North Carolina registered agent service.
Am I obligated to file federal tax and state tax returns for my corporation?
Please seek the advice of your certified public accountant (CPA) or tax professional.
What type of paperwork do I need to open a bank account?
Generally, you'll need a certified copy of your Articles of Organization and an Employer Identification Number (EIN). EINs are issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
What does DBI Global Filings do? How much do you charge?
Upon receiving your order, we prepare the articles of formation, ensure that the information complies with North Carolina state law, review the filing for accuracy, and file the articles of formation. We charge a one-time processing fee and an annual registered agent fee. Our processing fees are listed on our order form.